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05 Outcomes of Democracy P

Democracy : Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people.
Democracy is the better form of government when compared with dictatorship or any other alternative.
Democracy is a better then dictatorship or any other alternative because:
It promotes equality among citizens. 
It enhances the dignity of the individual.
It Improves the quality of decision-making
It Provides a method to resolve conflicts
It Allows room to correct mistakes.
Accountable, responsive and legitimate government : 
1. In democracy people have the right to choose their rulers through elections and people have control over the rulers. They able to participate in decision making, that affects them. Thus the democracy produces a government which is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.
2. Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation.
3. Democracy ensures that decision-making will be based on norms and procedures. So, every citizen has right and means to examine the process of decision making , this is known as transparency.
4. Democratic governments do not have a very good record when it comes to sharing information with citizens.
5. In substantive terms, it may be reasonable to expect from democracy a government that is attentive to the needs and demands of the people and is largely free to corruption.
6. Democratic government is certainly better than its alternatives because the democratic government is the legitimate government.
7. A democratic government is people’s own government. That is why the idea of democracy is getting huge support all over the world.
8. Conditions for success of democracy
Regular, free and fair elections.
Open public debate on major policies and legislations.
Citizens' right to information about the government and its functioning.
Some people think that democracy produces less effective government. 
It is, true that non-democratic rulers do not have to bother about deliberation in assemblies or worry about majorities and public opinion. So, they can be very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation. 
Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. So, some delay is bound to take place.
Most democracies fall short of elections that provide a fair chance to everyone.
Democratic governments do not have a very good record when it comes to sharing information with citizens.
Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people and often ignore the demands of a majority of its population.
Democratic government is certainly better than its alternatives
Democratic government is legitimate government. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive or clean. But a democratic government is people’s own government. That is why, there is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world.
The evidence from South Asia shows that the support for democracy exists in countries with democratic regimes as well as countries non democratic regimes. 
People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them. 
They also believe that democracy is suitable for their country. Democracy’s ability to generate its own support is itself an outcome that cannot be ignored.
Economic growth and development:
Dictatorships have slightly higher rate of economic growth than democracies. But the inability of democracy to achieve higher economic development alone cannot be the reason to reject democracy because economic growth also depends on factors like population size, global situation , cooperation with other countries and economic priorities
The difference in the rates of economic development between less developed countries with dictatorships and democracies is negligible.
Reduction of Inequality and Poverty :
All individuals have equal weight in electing representatives. 
(Right to vote)
Democracy is based on political equality and brings the individuals in the political arena on equal footing . 
Democracy has not been very successful in reducing the economic inequalities.
A small number of ultra -rich people enjoy highly disproportionate share of wealth and income. Their share in the total income of the country also has been increasing.
Those at the bottom of the society have very little resources available to survive. Their incomes have been declining.
Accommodation of social diversity
The democracy should produce a harmonious social life. 
Ability to handle social differences, division and conflicts is  a definite plus point of democracy .
It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply rule by majority opinion. The majority always needs to protect interest of the minority 
It is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule by majority community in terms of religion or race or linguistic group, etc. 
Dignity and freedom of the citizens:
There is no government superior than democracy in promoting the dignity and freedom of the individual.
Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the individual.
Every individual wants respect from fellow beings.
The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy.
Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.
Respect and equal treatment of women in a male-dominated society are essential elements of a democratic society.
In many democracies, women were deprived of their right to vote for a long time which they have achieved now.
It is responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.
A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of the democratic project
It shows that people have developed awareness and the ability to expect.
People look critically at power holders. They want to make democracy better.
They come up with expressions and complaints. They value their democratic rights.
  1. Which form of government is considered the best ?
    Democracy is the best form of government
  2. What are the  basis of democracy.

    The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy.
  3. Which system can reduce the possibility of tension and conflict among different groups of society? 

  4. Which form of government is better- democratic or non-democratic?

    Democratic government is better
  5. Why is there an overwhelming support to democracy all over the world ? Explain one reason.
    Because it is accountable, responsive and legitimate government.
  6. In which area does democracy fail to achieve the same results as in dictatorship? 
    Economic development.
  7. How can you say that democracies are based on political equality ?

    All individuals have equal weight in electing representatives. (Right to vote)
  8. What is meant by economic inequality? 

    Economic inequality is the unequal distribution of economic wealths and  income  between different groups in society
  9. Explain the meaning of democracy.
    Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people.
  10. What is meant by transparency?

    Transparency means that every citizen has right  and means to examine the process of decision making.
  11. What is the most basic outcome of democracy?
    The most basic outcome of democracy is that it produces a government that is accountable to citizens and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.
  12. “A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democratic project.” Justify the statement.
    Or ‘‘Complaints are the testimony to the success of democracy.’’ Assess the statement.
    (i)  It shows that people have developed awareness and the ability to expect..
    (ii) It shows that people look critically at power holders and the high & the mighty.
    (iii)They come up with expressions and complaints. People value their democratic rights and want to make democracy better.
  13. The challenge of deepening of democracy is faced by every democracy in one form or another.’’ Support the statement with examples
    (i) This involves strengthening of the institution and practices of the democracy
    (ii)  It should meet the expectations of people
    (iii) Should help peoples participation and control
    (iv) Should bring down the control of rich and powerful people in govt decision 
  14. ‘‘Democracy is based on political equality.’’ Support the statement with examples.
    (i) A democratic government is elected by the people by holding regular, free and fair elections
    (ii) All individuals have equal weight in electing representatives. (Right to vote)
    (iii) In democracies, every citizen vote has the same value irrespective of gender, caste, religion, or race.
  15. Analyse the reasons for the overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world. 
    (i) A Democratic government is people’s own government.
    (iii) Democracy provides dignity and freedom to its citizens.
    (iv) Democracy accommodates social diversity.
    (v) Democracy is based on the idea of discussion and negotiation.
    (vi) Democracy  is a transparent government 
  16. 6
  17. Describe any five characteristics of democracy.
    It promotes equality among citizens. 
    It enhances the dignity of the individual.
    It Improves the quality of decision-making
    It Provides a method to resolve conflicts
    It Allows room to correct mistakes.
    It is people’s own government
    It is accountable, legitimate and transparent government.
  18. Analyse any three values that make democracy better.
    Or Which values make democracy better than any other form of government ? Explain.
    It promotes equality among citizens. 
    It promotes equality among citizens. 
    It enhances the dignity of the individual.
    It Improves the quality of decision-making
    It Provides a method to resolve conflicts
    It Allows room to correct mistakess.
    It is accountable, legitimate and transparent government
  19. “Democracy’s ability to generate its own support is itself an outcome that cannot be ignored.” Analyse the statement with examples.
    (i) Democracy is a transparent and legitimate government.
    (ii) A democratic government is people’s own government.
    (iii) Democratic government is accountable.
    (iv) People have the right to choose their rulers.
    (v) It ensures that decision-making will be based on norms and procedure.
    (vi) Every citizen has the right and means to examine the process of decision making.
  20. ‘How is Democracy a better form of government in comparison to dictatorship? Explain.
    Or ‘‘Democracy is better than any other alternative government.’’ Justify
    the statement.
    Or Why is democratic government better than other alternatives? 
    Or Why do we feel that democracy is a better form of government than any other form ? Explain.
    Or “Democracy is more effective than its other alternatives.” Justify the statement. 
    It promotes equality among citizens. 
    It enhances the dignity of the individual.
    It improves the quality of decision-making;
    It Provides a method to resolve conflicts
    It gives room to correct mistakes.
    It is people’s own government
    It is accountable, legitimate and transparent government.
  21. How does democracy promote political and social values?
    (i) Democracy is based on political equality and brings the individuals in the political arena on equal footing . 
    (ii) All individuals have equal weight in electing representatives. (Right to vote)
    (iii) Democracy has Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts.
    (iv) Democracies usually develop a procedure for majority –minority accommodation.
    (v) Democracy allows accommodations of social diversity.
  22. “There is overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world.” Support the statement with examples.
    (i) A Democratic government is people’s own government.
    (ii) The vidence from South Asia shows that the support for democracy exists in countries with democratic regimes as well as countries non democratic regimes. 
    (iii) People wished to be ruled by representatives elected by them.
    (iv)  People believe that democracy is suitable for their country.
    (v) Democracy has the ability to generate its own support 
    (vi) it is accountable, responsive and legitimate government.
  23. ‘Democratic government is a responsive government.’ Support the statement with suitable arguments.
    (i) A democratic government is elected by the people by holding regular, free and fair elections
    (ii) Democratic governments are responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens
    (iii) It works on open public debate on major policies and legislations
    (iv) It gives citizens’ right to information about the government and its functioning
    (v) It is based on the mechanisms for citizens to take part in decision making
  24. ‘Democracy is best suited to produce its own outcomes.’ Explain.
    Or ‘‘Democracy is best suited to produce better results.’’ Examine the statement.
    (i) Democracy promotes equality and coexistence among citizens.
    (ii) It enhances the dignity and freedom of the individual.
    (iii) It provides a method to resolve conflicts. Allows room to correct mistakes.
    (iii)  It accommodates social diversities in a better way.
    (iv) It generates its own support which cannot be ignored.
    (v)  It believes in discussion, negotiation and shows accountability through transparency.
    (vi) It improves the quality of decision-making in spite of many economic, political and social problems.
  25. “Dignity and equal treatments of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society”. Justify the statement.
    (i) Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the individual.
    (ii) Long struggles by women have got them respect and equal treatment in  a democratic society.
    (iii)Women have a legally and morally basis to struggle for equality.
    (iv) In many democracies, women were deprived of their right to vote for a long time which they have achieved now.
    (v) In democratic country constitution provides provisions for the protection of women’s rights.
  26. Democracy in India has strengthened the claims for equal status and equal opportunity. Justify the statement.
    (i) Democracy believes in providing dignity and freedom to the people.
    (ii) Democracy gives respect and equal treatment to women.
    (iv) Democracy has strengthened the claims for the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunities.
    (v) Democratic govt. tries to accommodate social diversity.
    (vi) Democracies create a society that is safe and harmonious for its citizen.
    (vi) Democracies usually develop a procedure for majority – minority accommodation.
  27. ‘‘Democracies accommodate social diversities and provide dignity and freedom of the citizens.’’ Justify the statement.
    (i) Democracy has Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts.
    (ii) Democracies reduce the possibility of tensions becoming explosive or violent.
    (iii) Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the individual.
    (iv) Democracy has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.
    (v) Democracy gives respect and equal treatment to women.
    (vi) Democracies usually develop a procedure for majority – minority accommodation.
  28. How is democracy accountable and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens ? Analyse.
    How are democratic governments accountable to the citizens ? Explain
    with examples.
    “Democratic governments in practice are known as accountable.” Support the statement with arguments.
    (i) In democracy people have the right to choose their rulers through elections and people have control over the rulers
    (ii) Democracy gives chance to citizens to participate in decision-making
    (iii) Thus the democracy produces a government which is accountable to the citizens 
    (iv) Democratic government isresponsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens
    (v) Democracy ensures that decision-making will be based on norms and procedures.
  29. Democratic governments are transparent and legitimate.‟ Justify the statement.
    (i) A democratic government is elected by the people by holding regular, free and fair elections
    (ii) Democracy ensures that decision-making will be based on norms and procedures.
    (iii) Every citizen has right and means to examine the process of decision making. Therefore It is transparent government 
    (iv) Democracy gives citizens’ right to information about the government and its functioning
    (v) Democracy follows Constitution.
  30. ‘‘A democracy must look after the interests of all, not just one section.’’ Support the statement with arguments
    (i) Democracy believes in and work for equality
    (ii) Democracy has the ability to handle social differences, division and conflicts.
    (iii) Democracy gives equal treatment to women.
    (iv) Democracy cares equally for majority and minority.
    (v)  A democratic country looks into the needs and aspirations of every section of society.
    (vi) Democracy tries to provide equal opportunity to minority and depressed classes.
    (vii) It has the ability to expect and look critically at power holders.
  31. ‘Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual’. Support the statement with suitable arguments.
    Or “ Democracy stands much superior in promoting dignity and freedom of the citizens” justfy statement.
    Or‘Democracy enhances the dignity and freedom of individuals.’ Support the statement with suitable arguments.
    Or “Analyse the conditions under which democracies promote dignity and freedom of citizens.
    Or ‘‘Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the people.’’ Examine the statement. 
    Or How does protect the dignity & freedom of citizens. Explain
    (i) Every individual wants to receive respect from fellow beings.
    (ii) The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy.
    (iii) Respect to and equal treatments of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society.
    (iv) Democracy has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.
    (v) Democracies throughout the world have recognised dignity and freedom of the citizens in principle.
    (vi) Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the individual.
  32. “Democracy plays an important role to accommodate social diversity.”
    Support the statement with examples.
    Or “Democracy accommodates social diversities” Support the statement with example
    Or ‘Analyse the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities.
    Or ‘‘Democracies accommodate various social divisions.’’ Support the statement. 
    Or ‘‘Democracy is the best way to accommodate social division.’’ Justify the statement.
    (i) Democracy tries to help its citizens to lead a peaceful and harmonious life by accommodating various social divisions.
    (ii) Democratic governments try to resolve social differences
    (iii) Democracies reduce the possibility of tensions becoming explosive or violent.
    (iv) Democracies usually develop a procedure for majority – minority accommodation.
    (v) Democracy has Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts.
    (vi) Example : Belgium has successfully negotiated differencesa mong ethnic populations
  33. ‘Why is Democratic government considered as legitimate government.’ Explain.
    Or ‘Democratic government is a legitimate government.’ Support the statement with suitable arguments.
    Or “Democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government.” Justify the statement.
    Or Democracy is an accountable and legitimate government. Support this statement.
    Or How is ‘democratic government’ a ‘legitimate government’ ? Explain with examples
    (i) A democratic government is elected by the people by holding regular, free and fair elections
    (ii) Democracy ensures that decision-making will be based on norms and procedures.
    (iii) Every citizen has right and means to examine the process of decision making. Therefore It is transparent government 
    (iv) Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation.
    (v) The democracy produces a government which is accountable to the citizens.
    (vi)  Democratic governments are responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens
    (vii) Regular, free and fair elections are the regular feature of democracy.
  34. In actual life, democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities. Support the statement with suitable arguments.
    Or Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.’’ Justify the statement.
    (i) Economic inequality can be seen in our own country even after seventy years of independence. In Bangladesh, more than half of its population lives in poverty
    (ii) Democratically elected government are not very clear to address the question of poverty. 
    (iii) A small number of ultra rich enjoy highly disproportionate share in the total income of the country.
    (iv) The income of poor have been decline sometimes they find it difficult to meet their basic needs of life.
    (v) People in several poor democratic countries are dependent on the rich countries even for food supplies.
  35. “Democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens.”
    Support the statement with examples.
    On the basis of which values will it be a fair expectation that democracy should produce a harmonious social life ? Explain
    Or How is social diversity accommodated in democracy ? Explain with examples.
    Or Democracy produce a harmonious social life : Explain
    (i) Democracy has ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts.
    (ii) Democracies reduce the possibility of tensions becoming explosive or violent.
    (iii) Democracy allows accommodations of social diversity.
    (iv) A democratic country looks into the needs and aspirations of every section of society.
    (v) Democracy develops the mechanisms to negotiate social differences.
    (vi) It promotes equality among citizens and respect for individual freedom.
    (vii) Democracy in Belgium successfully resolved the differences among ethnic populations.
  36. “Democracy can address all socio-economic and political problems.” Support the statement with arguments.
    (i) Democracy has Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts.
    (ii) Democracies usually develop a procedure for majority – minority accommodation.
    (iii) Democracies are based on political equality.
    (iv) All individuals have equal weight in electing representatives.
    (v) Democracy gives it citizens’ the Right to Information about the government and its functioning.
    (vi) Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and discussion
    (vii) Regular, free, and fair elections are the feature of democracy
    (viii) Democracy tries to deal with societal problems such as poverty, inequality, corruption, and discrimination.
  37. ‘‘Some people think that democracy produces a less effective government.’’ Analyse the statement.
    It is true some people think that democracy produces a less effective government because-
    (i) Non-democratic rulers do not have to bother about deliberation in assemblies or worry about majorities and public opinion. So, they can be very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation. 
    (ii) But democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. So, some delay is bound to take place  in decision making. 
    (iii) Most democracies fall short of elections that provide a fair chance to everyone.
    (iv) Democratic governments do not have a very good record when it comes to sharing information with citizens.
    (v) Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people and often ignore the demands of a majority of its population.

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