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06. Manufacturing industries

Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials to more valuable products is called manufacturing.
Importance of manufacturing industries
Manufacturing sector is considered the backbone of development in general and economic development in particular.
Manufacturing industries help in the modernization of agriculture.
Manufacturing industries reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income by providing them jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.
Industrial development helps in removal of unemployment and poverty.
Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce, and brings in much foreign exchange.

Classification of Industries
On the basis of source of raw materials used:
(i) Agro based : Industries in which agricultural products are used as raw materials. 
Cotton, Woollen, jute, Silk textile, Rubber and Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Edible oil.
On the basis of their main role :-
(i) Basic or key industries - Those  industries which supply their products as raw materials to manufacture other goods e.g. iron and steel and copper smelting, aluminum smelting.
(ii) Consumer industries -Consumer industries that produce goods for direct use by consumers – sugar, toothpaste, paper, sewing machines, fans etc.
(ii) Mineral-based Industries
Industries that use minerals and metals as raw materials are called mineral-based industries. Iron and steel, Cement, Aluminium, Machine tools, Petrochemicals.
On the basis of capital investment:
(i) Small scale - If the investment is less than Rs one crore on any industry.
(ii) Large scale - If the investment is more than Rs's crore on any industry 
On the basis of ownership:
(i) Public Sector -  Public sector, owned and operated by government agencies. 
Example - BHEL, SAIL
(ii) Private  - Private sector industries owned and operated by individuals or a group of individuals 
Example - TISCO, Bajaj Auto Ltd., Dabur Industries.
(iii) Joint  - Joint sector jointly owned by the state and individuals. 
Example -  Oil India Ltd etc.
(iv) Cooperative  - Cooperative sector industries are owned and operated by the producers or suppliers of raw materials, workers or both. 
Example- sugar industry in Maharashtra, the coir industry in Kerala
On the basis of weight of raw material and finished goods : -
(i) Heavy Industries - These industries se heavy raw material and produce heavy goods such as iron and steel industry 
(ii) light Industries - These industries use light raw material and produce light goods such as electrical industries.
Textile Industry: The textile industry contributes significantly to industrial production, employment generation and foreign exchange earnings. 
It is the only industry in the country, which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain 
Cotton Textiles: The first cotton textile mill was established in Mumbai in 1854.
In the early years, the cotton textile industry was concentrated in the cotton growing belt of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
Localisation fector : Availability of raw cotton, Market, Transport and accessible port facilities, Labour, Moist climate.
This industry has close links with agriculture and provides a living to farmers, cotton boll pluckers and workers engaged in ginning, spinning, weaving, dyeing, designing, packaging, tailoring and sewing.
It provides employment to weavers, cotton farmers , mill workers , support chemicals,  dye industry and engineering works.
Our traditional industries suffered a setback during the colonial period because they could not compete with the mill-made cloth from England
Spinning mills are centralized in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.
Weaving is done by handloom, powerloom and in mills.
The handspun khadi provides large scale employment to weavers as a cottage industry.
The spinning mills are centralised in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu
Jute Textiles
India is the largest producer of raw jute and jute goods and stands at second place as an exporter after Bangladesh.
Most of the mills are located in West Bengal, mainly along the banks of the Hugli river, in a narrow belt.
The first jute mill was set up near Kolkata in 1855 at Rishra. After Partition in 1947, the jute mills remained in India but three-fourth of the jute producing area went to Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan).
Factors responsible for jute industries location in the Hugli basin
Proximity of the jute producing areas
Inexpensive  transport
Abundant water for processing raw jute
Cheap labour from West Bengal and adjoining states
Kolkata city provides further support banking, insurance ofport facilities.
Sugar Industry
India is the second largest sugar producing country in the world but ranks first in the production of gur and khandsari. 
The raw material used in this industry is bulky, and in haulage its sucrose content reduces.
The sugar mills are located in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh. 
Sixty per cent mills are in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. 
This industry is seasonal in nature so, it is ideally suited to the cooperative sector. 
In recent years, there is a tendency for the mills to shift in the southern and western states, especially in Maharashtra,This is because:
The sugar cane produced here has a higher sucrose content. 
The cooler climate also ensures a longer crushing season. 
The cooperatives are more successful in these states

Iron and Steel Industry
The iron and steel industry is the basic industry because all the other industries depend on it for their machinery.
It is also considered heavy industry as raw material and finished goods are both heavy and bulky.
Production and consumption of steel is often regarded as the index of a country 's development .
Iron ore, coking coal and lime stone are required in the ratio of approximately 4 : 2 : 1 in Iron and Steel Industry. 
Manganes, is required to harden the steel. 
Chhotanagpur plateau region has the maximum concentration of iron and steel industries. 
Localisation fector : 
Efficient transport network.
High grade raw materials in proximity.
Cheap labour.
Vast growth potential in the home market.
Aluminium Smelting
Aluminium smelting is the second most important metallurgical industry in India.
Bauxite is the ore of aluminum. which is a very bulky, dark reddish coloured rock.
Aluminium is light, resistant to corrosion, a good conductor of heat , malleable and becomes strong when mixed with other metals .
It is used to manufacture aircraft, utensils and wires.
Aluminium smelting plants in the country are located in Odisha , West Bengal, cha Hisgash , Maharashtra , UP, Kerala and TN :
Regular supply of power and assured source of raw material at the minimum cost are the two Prime factors for the location of ‘Aluminium Smelting’ industry
Prime factors for location of the industry.
Regular supply of electricity.
Assured source of raw material.
Chemical Industries
The Chemical industry in India is fast growing and diversifying. 
Organic chemical plants are located near oil refineries or petrochemical plants.
The chemical industry is its own largest consumer.
Organic chemicals include petrochemicals, which are used for manufacturing of synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber, plastics, dye-stuffs.
india produces organic and inorganic chemicals .
Inorganic chemicals include sulphuric acid (used to manufacture fertilizers, synthetic fibres, plastics, adhesives, paints, dyes stuffs), nitric acid, alkalies, soda ash (used to make glass, soaps and detergents, paper) and caustic soda. These industries are widely spread over the country.
Automobile Industry 
Automobiles provide vehicle for quick transport of good services and passengers.
Trucks, buses, cars, motor cycles, scooters, three-wheelers and multi-utility vehicles are manufactured in India at various centres. 
The industry is located around Delhi, Gurugram, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Indore, Hyderabad, Jamshedpur and
Fertilizer Industry
The fertilizer industry is centred around the production of nitrogenous fertilizers (Urea), phosphatic fertilizers and ammonium phosphate (DAP) and complex fertilizers which have a combination of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P), and potash (K). 
Potash is entirely imported as the country does not have any reserve of commercially
After the Green Revolution this industry expanded to several other parts of the country.
After the green revolution, the industry expanded . The major producers are Gujarat, Tamil Nadu,  UP, Punjab and Kerala
Cement Industry
Cement is essential for construction activity such as building houses, factories, bridges, roads, airports, dams and for other commercial establishments. 
This industry requires bulky and heavy raw materials like limestone, silica and gypsum. Coal and electric power are needed apart from rail transportation.
Cement industries arelocated plants in Gujarat that have suitable access to the market in the Gulf countries.
Information Technology and Electronics Industry
This industry covers a wide range of products like transistor sets, television, telephone, cellular telecom, telephone exchange, radar, computers and many other equipment.
Bengaluru is electronic capital of India. 
The continuing growth in the hardware and software is the key to the success of IT industry in India. 
Important centres for electronic goods are Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow and Coimbatore. 

Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation
Industries are responsible for four types of pollution: (a) Air (b) Water (c) Land (d) Noise.
The polluting industries also include thermal power plants
Air pollution 
It is caused by the presence of high proportion of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide in the air. 
It is emitted by chemical and paper factories, brick kilns, refineries and smelting plants and burning of fossil fuels in big and small factories . 
It causes respiratory problems
Air pollution adversely affects human health, animals, plants, buildings and the atmosphere as a whole.
Water pollution : 
Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes discharged into rivers. 
Paper, pulp, chemical, textile and dyeing, petroleum refineries, tanneries and electroplating industries are responsible for water pollution.
Fly ash, phospo- gypsum and iron and steel slags are the major solid wastes in India.
Thermal pollution
Thermal pollution of water occurs when hot water from factories and thermal plants is drained into rivers and ponds before cooling.
Wastes from nuclear power plants, nuclear and weapon production facilities cause cancer, birth defects and miscarriages
Noise pollution
Noise from industrial and construction activities, machinery, from equipment etc. contribute to noise pollution.
This type of pollution results in hearing impairment, increased heart rate, blood pressure and physiological effects .
Noise pollution results in irritation, stress, hearing impairment, increased heart rate, blood pressure and physiological effects.
Control of Environmental Degradation
(i) Minimising use water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages
(ii) Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements
(iii) Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds.
(iv) Particulate matter in the air can be reduced by fitting smoke stacks to factories with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, scrubbers and inertial separators. 
(v) Smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas instead of coal in factories. 
(vi) Almost all machinery can be redesigned to increase energy efficiency and reduce noise. 

Treatment of industrial effluents can be done in three phases
(a) Primary treatment by mechanical means.
This involves screening, grinding,flocculation and sedimentation.
(b) Secondary treatment by biological process
(c) Tertiary treatment by biological, chemical and physical processes. This involves recycling of  wastewater.

NTPC shows the way
NTPC is a major power providing corporation in India. It has ISO certification for EMS (Environment Management System) 14001.
The corporation has a proactive approach for preserving the natural environment and resources like water, oil and gas and fuels in places where it is setting up power plants.
This has been possible through 
(a) Optimum utilisation of equipment adopting latest techniques and
upgrading existing equipment.
(b) Minimising waste generation by maximising ash utilisation.
(c) Providing green belts for nurturing ecological balance and addressing the question of special purpose vehicles for afforestation.
(d) Reducing environmental pollution through ash pond management, ash water recycling system and liquid waste management.
(e) Ecological monitoring, reviews and online database management for all its power stations.
  1. Which  industry uses bauxite as a raw material ? 
    Aluminium smelting
  2. Name the region which has maximum concentration of iron and steel industries. 
    Chota Nagpur plateau region 
  3. Name the river-basin where jute industries are concentrated in India.  
    Hugh river-basin.
  4. Who of the set up the first Iron and Steel industry in India?
    J.R.D. Tata
  5. How is the chemical industry in India diversified? Explain
    (i) It comprises both large- and small-scale manufacturing units.
    (ii) Rapid growth has been recorded in both inorganic and organic sectors.
  6. Why has Aluminium metal has great importance
    Aluminium is light, resistant to corrosion, a good conductor of heat , malleable and becomes strong when mixed with other metals .
  7. Examine any two major challenges faced by the sugar industry.
    (i) The seasonal nature of the industry.
    (ii) Old and inefficient methods of production.
  8. Which two prime factors are important for the location of ‘Aluminium Smelting’ industry ?
    (a) Regular and cheap supply of electricity.
    (b) Assured source of raw material.
  9. Why is the least cost known as decision making fector for ideal locations of an industry?
    Least cost is the key factor that determines the location of an industry because industry tends to be located at a place where factors of production are either available or can be arranged at low cost.
  10. How can the industrial pollution of fresh water be reduced?
    Or Explain the ways through which the industrial pollution of fresh water can be reduced
    (i) Minimising use water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages
    (ii) Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements
    (iii) Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds.
  11. Why is Iron and Steel called as a Basic Industry? Explain
    (i) The iron and steel Industry is the basic industry because all other industries are based on it.
    (ii) The iron and steel Industry provide their products as raw materials to manufacture other goods.
  12. How does noise pollution affect our health ? Explain
    Noise pollution results in irritation and anger. 
    It also causes hearing impairment, increased heart rate and blood pressure among other physiological effects.
    Unwanted sounds are irritant and a source of stress.
  13. How do industrial units cause air pollution ? Explain
    (i) Industries that ignore pollution norms create air pollution.
    (ii) Industrial units emit high proportion of sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide into the air.
    (iii) Smoke is emitted by chemical and paper factories, brick kilns, refineries and smelting plants and burning of fossil fuels in big and small factories.
  14. Suggest any three measures to reduce the water pollution.
    (i) Minimising use water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages.
    (ii) Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements.
    (iii)Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds. 
  15. How do industries cause water pollution ? Explain.
    Or How are industries responsible for polluting fresh water
    Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes discharged into rivers. 
    Paper, pulp, chemical, textile and dyeing, petroleum refineries, tanneries and electroplating industries are responsible for water pollution.
    Fly ash, phospo-gypsum and iron and steel slags are the major solid waste in India.
  16. How has the ever increasing number of industries in India made worse position by exerting pressure on existing fresh water resources ? Explain
    (i) Industries are heavy users of water.
    (ii) More demand of hydro electric power.
    (iii) Industrial wastes and effluent are discharged into rivers causing water pollution.
    (iv) Multiplying urban centres, due to industries, has caused pressure on water resources.
  17. Explain with examples the interdependence of agriculture and industries.
    Or Explain with example how do industries give boost to the agriculture sector
    (i) The agro-industries have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity.
    (ii) It provides irrigation pumps, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, plastic and PVC pipes, machines and tools, etc. to the farmers.
    (iii) Industries depend on the agriculture for raw materials.
    (iv) Industries help in transporting the goods produced.
  18. Explain the classification of Industry on the basis of weight of raw material and finished goods with one example of each.
    On the basis of weight of raw material and finished goods : -
    (i) Heavy Industries - These industries use heavy raw material and produce heavy goods. such as iron and steel industry 
    (ii) light Industries - These industries use light raw material and produce light goods such as electrical industries.
  19. Describe three major problems faced by the weaving and processing sectors in cotton textile industry.
    (i) Fragmented small units of production
    (ii) Irregular power supply
    (iii) Lack of upgraded machinery
    (iv) Low production of labour.
    (v) Stiff competition with synthetic fiber industry
  20. Why is aluminium smelting the second most important metallurgical industry in India?
    (i) It is light and resistant to corrosion.
    (ii) It is a good conductor of heat and malleable.
    (iii) It becomes strong when it is mixed with other metals.
    (iv) It is used to manufacture aircraft, utensils and wires.
    (v) It has gained popularity as a substitute of steel, copper, zinc and lead in a number of industries.
  21. Study the given flowchart and answer the questions that follow :

    (1) Which is the basic material required for garment manufacturing ? 
    Raw Fibre.
    (2) Give one example of value addition in the textile industry.
    Spinning/ Weaving/ Dyeing/ Stitching and Finishing.
  22. Describe any five factors responsible for the concentration of jute mills along the banks of the Hugli river.
    Factors for the concentration of Jute Mills
    (i) Proximity of the jute producing areas.
    (ii) Inexpensive water transport.
    (iii) Abundant water
    (iv) Cheap and skilled labour
    (v) Kolkata as a large urban centre provides banking and insurance facilities.
  23. Describe any five factors responsible for the concentration of iron and steel industry in and around Chhotanagpur Plateau region.
    Or Why has the ‘Chhotanagpur Plateau Region’ the maximum concentration of iron and steel industries ? Analyse the reasons.
    (i) Low cost of Iron-ore.
    (ii) High grade raw material in proximity.
    (iii) Cheap labour.
    (iv) Vast growth potential to the home market.
    (v) Good transport connectivity.
    (vi) Availability of water resources.
  24. “The textile industry is the only industry in the country which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain.” Justify the statement
    Or Explain the contribution of textile industry in the Indian economy.
    (i) It contributes significantly to industrial production (14%).
    (ii) It provides jobs to many people  (35 million persons ).
    (iii) It is a major foreign exchange  earner industry (about 24.6%).
    (iv) It contributes 4 per cent to the GDP.
    (v) This industry is self-reliant and complete in the value chain from raw materials to highest value added products.
  25. Classify industries on the basis of their main role. How are they different from each other ?
    On the basis of their main role :-
    (i) Basic or key industries - Those  industries which supply their products as raw materials to manufacture other goods 
    Example iron and steel and copper smelting, aluminum smelting.
    (ii) Consumer industries -Consumer industries that produce goods for direct use by consumers Example - sugar, toothpaste, paper, sewing machines, fans etc.
  26. How does industrial pollution harm the environment ?
    (i) Unwanted gases emitted from industries cause air pollution.
    (ii) Organic and inorganic industrial wastes cause water pollution.
    (iii) Hot water from factories and thermal plants increases the temperature of water in rivers and ponds.
    (iv) Noise generated from industrial activities, machinery, equipment etc. causes noise pollution.
  27. Why was the cotton textile industry concentrated in the cotton growing belt in the early years ? Explain.
    1) Availability of raw cotton-eg belt of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
    2) Nearness to market.
    3) Transport
    4) Port facilities
    5) Cheap labour
    6) Moist climate
  28. How has Information Technology affected Electronic Industry? Explain.
    (i) The electronics industry covers a wide range of products.
    (ii) This industry includes transistor sets, television, telephone, cellular telecom, telephone exchange, radar, computers and many other equipment.
    (iii) The continuing growth in the hardware and software is the key to the success of electronic industry.
    (iv) It has enabled more productivity, quality of service and efficiency in the Electronic Industry.
  29. How can the industrial pollution of fresh water be reduced?
    (i) Minimising use water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages.
    (ii) Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements
    (iii) Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds.
    (iv) Treatment of industrial effluents can be done in three phases—
    Primary treatment by mechanical means. 
    Secondary treatment by biological process.
    Tertiary treatment by biological, chemical and physical processes.
  30. How has agriculture been the backbone of the Indian economy ?Explain.
    (i) Agriculture gives employment- Two-third of India’s population engaged in agricultural activities.
    (ii) Agriculture produces food for consumption.
    (iii) Agriculture produces raw material for various industries.
    (iv) Agriculture provides agricultural products for exports (E.g., Tea, coffee, spices)
    (v) Agriculture contributes to the National Income
    (vi) Agriculture contributes in GDP
  31. Analyse the role of chemical industries in the Indian economy.
    (i) It contributes approximately 3 % of the GDP.
    (ii) The chemical industry is its own largest consumer.
    (iii) It compromises both large and small scale manufacturing units.
    (iv) Organic chemicals include petrochemicals which are used for manufacturing of synthetic fibers, rubber, plastics, and dye stuffs.
    (v) Inorganic chemicals include sulphuric acid, fertilizers, synthetic fibers, plastics, adhesives, paints etc.
  32. Classify industries on the basis of capital investment. How are they different from one another? Explain with examples.
    Classification of the industries on the basis of capital investment:
    (i) Small Scale industry
    (ii)Large Scale industry 
    If the investment is more than one crore on any industry is considered as a large scale industry for example Iron and Steel Industry/ Cement Industry. While the investment is less than one crore on an industry is considered as a small scale industry eg. Plastic industry, toy industry
  33. Explain the pro-active approach adopted by the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) for preserving the natural environment and resources.
    (i) Optimum utilisation of equipment adopting latest techniques and
    upgrading existing equipment.
    (ii) Minimising waste generation by maximising ash utilisation.
    (iii) Providing green belts for nurturing ecological balance and addressing the question of special purpose vehicles for afforestation.
    (iv) Reducing environmental pollution through ash pond management, ash water recycling system and liquid waste management.
    (v) Ecological monitoring, reviews and online database management for all its power stations.
  34. Suggest any three steps to minimize the environmental degradation caused by industrial development in India.
    Or Suggest any five measures to control industrial pollution in India.
    (i) Minimising use water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages
    (ii) Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements
    (iii) Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds.
    (iv) Particulate matter in the air can be reduced by fitting smoke stacks to factories with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, scrubbers and inertial separators.
    (v) Smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas instead of coal in factories.
    (vi) Machinery and equipments can be used and generators should be fitted with silencers.
    (vii) Almost all machineries can be redesigned to increase energy efficiency and reduce noise.
  35. Classify industries on the basis of sources of raw material.? How are they different from each other.?
    Or Explain with examples any two differences between agro-based and mineral based industries.
    On the basis of sources of raw material industries are classified as
    A. Agro based industries
    B. Mineral based industries
    These industries are different from each other on following basis
    A. Agro based industries –
    (i) Agro-based industries use agricultural production as raw material.
    (ii) Eg: Textiles – Cotton, Jute, Silk and Woolen.
    (iii) They strengthen the economy of rural sector
    B. Mineral based industries –
    (i) Mineral Based Industries use minerals and metals as raw materials 
    (ii) Eg:- Iron and Steel , Cement , Machine tools , Petro chemicals etc
    (iii) These industries require bulky and heavy raw material
  36. Examine the importance of manufacturing industries for the Indian economy.
    Or Why is the economic strength of a country measured by the development of manufacturing industries ? Explain with examples.
    Or Explain the importance of manufacturing industries.
    Or Why is manufacturing  considered the backbone of evelopment ? Interpret the reason.
    Or Analyse the role of the manufacturing sector in the economic development of India
    (i) Manufacturing sector is considered the backbone of development in general and economic development in particular.
    (ii) Manufacturing industries help in modernizing agriculture which is the backbone of our economy.
    (iii) Manufacturing industries reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income by providing them jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.
    (iv) Industrial development helps in removal of unemployment and poverty.
    (v) Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce, and brings in much foreign exchange.
    (vi) The agro-industries in India have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity.
    (vii)  They increase the GDP/ National Income of the country
  37. What is manufacturing sector ? Describe the four types of manufacturing sectors on the basis of ownership.
    Or Classify economic activities into two sectors on the basis of ownership. Describe any two features of each sector.
    Manufacturing Sector:
    The sector in which production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials to more valuable products is called manufacturing sector.
    Four types of manufacturing sectors on the basis of ownership are—
    (i) Public Sector -  Public sector, owned and operated by government agencies. 
    Their main motive is public welfare
    Example - BHEL, SAIL
    (ii) Private  - Private sector industries owned and operated by individuals or a group of individuals 
    Their major motive is to earn profit
    Example - TISCO, Bajaj Auto Ltd., Dabur Industries.
    (iii) Joint  - Joint sector jointly owned by the state and individuals. 
    Example -  Oil India Ltd etc.
    (iv) Cooperative  - Cooperative sector industries are owned and operated by the producers or suppliers of raw materials, workers or both. 
    Example- sugar industry in Maharashtra, the coir industry in Kerala

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