Development promises : Development promises a real growth by enhancing total income and standard of living of a person.
(i) Different people can have different developmental goals.
(ii) What may be development for one may not be development for the other. It may even be destructive for the other.
Different people, different Goals :
Different people have different goals for development as their needs, desires living style differ from each other. Also, the social, cultural and economical position of the people varies, which results in different developmental goals.
Example : To get more electricity, industrialists may want more dams. But this may submerge the land and disrupt the lives of people who are displaced – such as tribals.
Income and other goals :
Income is the most important component of development. But the quality of our life also depends on non-material things like equal treatment, freedom, security and respect of others. It means a personh have two types of goals.
(i) Material Things : Money, Car, House ect.
(ii) Non-material Things : Equality, freedom, security and respect of others.
Both material and non- material things are equally important for development or we can say that for development , people look at mix of goals.
National development : National development is the capacity of the country to raise the standard of living of its residents. It can be achieved by providing individuals with basic requirements and supplying them with employment.
Comparing Development of Different countries / States
Comparison through National Income :
For comparing the countries, their income is considered to be one of the most important attributes. Countries which have higher income are more developed as compared to the other countries. As different countries usually have different populations, so comparing the total income will not tell us know what the average person earns. So, we compare the average income of the countries.
Per capita income : Per capita income represents the average income of an individual in a country. A country's Per Capita Income is determined by dividing its national income by population.
Average Income or Per Capita Income = Total income of the country/Total population of the country.
Per capita income of all the countries is calculated in dollars because US dollar is considered as the medium of international exchange. Therefore, different countries can be compared easily.
Dollar can be buy the same amount of goods and services in any country
The World Bank classifies countries based on their per capita income.
Countries with per capita income of US$ 49,300 per annum and above in 2019, are called high income or rich countries.
Countries with per capita income of US$ 2500 per annum or less in 2019 are called low-income countries.
India comes in the category of low middle income countries because its per capita income in 2019 was just US$ 6700 per annum.
The rich countries, excluding countries of Middle East and certain other small countries, are generally called developed countries.
Comparison through Per capita Income has its drawbacks as it hides disparities. When a small section of people has very high income the average income also gets high and do not give proper greet idea about the actual situation.
For example, let us consider two countries, A and B. We have assumed that they have only five citizens each. Monthly income of every citizens is given in table.
Country |
Monthly incomes of citizens (in Rupees) |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
Average |
Country A |
9500 |
10500 |
9800 |
10000 |
10200 |
10000 |
Country B |
500 |
500 |
500 |
500 |
48000 |
10000 |
Income and other criteria
Infant mortality Rate (IMR) : Number of children that die before the age of one year in proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year.
Literacy Rate : The proportion of literate population in the 7 year and above age group.
Net Attendance Ratio : Net Attendance Ratio is the total number of children of age group 14-15 years attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.
Body Mass Index (BMI) : Body mass index (BMI) is obtained from dividing a person's weight (in kilograms) by the square of his height (in meters).
Body Mass Index is used to determine an adult person is undernourished or not.
1. BMI < 18.5 = Underweight
2. BMI Between 18.5 - 25 = Normal weight
3. BMI > 25 = Overweight
Public facilities
Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live . ( such as - Pollution free environment, protection from disease). So, income by itself is not a completely adequate indicator of material goods and services that citizens are able to use.
Public facilities are those facilities which are not possible for any individual to access at economic cost, so government provides such facilities collectively to the public to ensure quality of life and for development of the country.
The cheapest and best way is to provide public facilities collectively
Kerala has a low Infant Mortality Rate because it has adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities
Human Development Report
Human Development Report published by UNDP (United Nations Development program) compares countries based on the educational levels of the people, their health status and per capita income.
Human Development Index (HDI)
HDI stands for Human Development Index.
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development.
Life Expectancy : Average expected length of life of a person at birth is called life expectancy
Human Development Report, 2020
India's HDR rank is 130 out of 189 countries in all. While Sri Lanka's HDR rank is 76.
Country |
Gross National Income (GNI) per capita (2011 PPP $) |
Life Expectancy at birth |
Mean Years of Schooling of People aged 25
and above |
HDI Rank in the world (2018) |
Sri Lanka |
12,707 |
77 |
10.6 |
76 |
India |
6,681 |
69.7 |
6.5 |
130 |
Myanmar |
4,961 |
67.1 |
5.0 |
148 |
Pakistan |
5,005 |
67.3 |
5.2 |
154 |
Nepal |
3,457 |
70.8 |
5.0 |
143 |
Bangladesh |
4,976 |
72.6 |
6.2 |
134 |
Sustainability of Development :
Sustainable Development is the kind of development that meets the needs and demands of the present generation without compromising the availability of resources for future generations and without harming the natural resources and environment.
Renewable resources : Renewable resources are those resources that can be replenished or renewed naturally over time. Air, water, wind, solar energy etc are all renewable resources.
Groundwater is an example of renewable resources.
Nearly one-third of the country is overusing their groundwater reserves. So the groundwater is under serious threat of overuse in the country.
Groundwater overuse is particularly in the agriculturally rich regions of Punjab and Western U.P., hard rock plateau areas of central and south India, some coastal areas and the rapidly growing urban settlements.
Non-renewable resources :
Non-renewable resources are those natural resources that are available in limited quantity. These resources cannot be renewed or replenished in short duration. Therefore they are also known as exhaustible resources. Examples- coal, natural gas, petroleum(crud oil) etc.
- What is the most important component for comparing different countries?Per capita income.
- What is the rank of India as per HDI report of 2018?The rank of India as per HDI report of 2018 is 130.
- State any two goals of development other than income.Equal treatment and freedom in society
- Suppose the average income of a country is not being increased over time but the records of the National Income show a rise". What does this situation signify?Population is also increasing with income.
- Mention any two parameters where Sri Lanka has scored over India in HDI.(i) Per capita income (ii) Literacy rate
- Study the table and answer the question given below.Some comparative data on Haryana, Kerala and Bihar
Infant Mortality Rate per 1,000 live births (2018)
Literacy Rate%
Net Attendance Ratio (per 100 persons) secondary stage (age 14 and 15 years) 2017–18
In comparison to Kerala, which state has the highest infant mortality rate?Highest infant mortality rate: Bihar - Define life expectancy.Average expected length of life of a person at birth is called life expectancy
- Which countries are known as rich countries on the basis of per capita income?Countries with PCI more than US$ 49300 per annum are known as rich countries on the basis of per capita income
- Under which category has India been placed by the World Bank Development Report?India comes in the category of low middle income countries because its per capita income in 2019 was just US$ 6700 per annum.
- Which countries have been categorized as rich according to the World Development Report?Countries with per capita income of US$ 49,300 per annum and above in 2019, are called high income or rich countries.
- According to World Development Report, which countries have been categorized as low-income?Countries with per capita income of US$ 2500 per annum or less in 2019 are called low-income countries.
- What may be a developmental goal of urban unemployed youth?Urban unemployed youth want better options of employment to his/her qualifications and skills.
- What is Literacy Rate?Literacy Rate is the proportion of literate population in the 7-and-above age group.
- What is Infant Mortality Rate?Infant mortality Rate is the number of children that die before the age of one year in proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year.
- What is the main criteria used by the World Bank in classifying different countries?The main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries is per capita income.
- How can the Human Development Index (HDI) level be improved in India?(i) Improvement in education(ii)Improvement in health(iii) Improvement instandard of living
- ‘‘The criterion used by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is different from the one used by the World Bank for measuring development of countries.’’ Support the statement with examples.UNDP measures development through life expectancy, literacy rate and per capita income (Human Development Index). While World Bank measure evdelopment through per capita income
- What may be a developmental goal of farmers who depend only on rain for growing crops ?Better irrigation facilities.Better education facilities their children.Crop insurance
- What are the three components of the Human Development Index?(i) Per Capita Income(ii) Life Expectancy(iii) Literacy Rate
- What are developed countries according to World Development Report?The rich countries, excluding countries of Middle East and certain other small countries that have per capita income of US $ 49,300 per annum and above in 2019, are generally called developed countries.
- What is national development?National development is the capacity of the country to raise the standard of living of its residents. It can be achieved by providing individuals with basic requirements and supplying them with employment.
- What is the Net Attendance ratio?Net Attendance Ratio is the total number of children of age group 14 and 15 years attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.
- What may be developmental goals of a girl from a rich urban family?She gets equal freedom like her brotherShe can decide what she wants to do in lifeShe can pursue her studies abroad
- What may be developmental goals of landless rural labourersMore days of work and better wagesAble to provide education their children local school.No social discrimination
- Why is per capita income calculated in the US dollars?Per capita income of all the countries is calculated in dollars because US dollar is considered as the medium of international exchange. Therefore, different countries can be compared easily.
- Suggest any three ways to maintain Body Mass Index.Eat healthy and nutrious foodRegular exerciseSelf MonitoringAvoid fast food and oily food.
- What may be a goal of prosperous farmer of Punjab?Goal of prosperous farmer of Punjab:1. Assured high family income.2. Higher support prices for crops.3. Able to settle their children abroad.
- What are non-renewable resources? Give one example.Non-renewable resources are those natural resources that are available in limited quantity. These resources cannot be renewed or replenished in short duration. Therefore they are also known as exhaustible resources. Examples- coal, natural gas, petroleum(crud oil) etc
- What is average income or per capita income?Per capita income represents the average income of an individual in a country. A country's Per Capita Income is determined by dividing its national income by population.Average Income or Per Capita Income = National income /Total population.
- What is Sustainable Development?Sustainable Development is the kind of development that meets the needs and demands of the present generation without compromising the availability of resources for future generations and harming the natural resources and environment.
- Who published annual human development report and what are its criteria to prepare this report?UNDP publishes annual human development report.Criteria/ Parameters :1.Educational levels of the people2.Health status of the people3. Per capita income.
- Why Kerala has a low Infant Mortality Rate?Kerala has low IMR because :It has a very high literacy rate, and literate people care for their children better than illiterate people.Literate people also have a high earning capacity to afford necessities for their children.
- What is Human Development Index?The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement of key dimensions (per capita income, life expectancy, literacy rate) of human development.It is used to measure the level of human development in different countries of the world.
- Why does Kerala have a better Human Development Index ranking in comparison to Punjab? Explain with three reasons.(i) Kerala has better provisions of health facilities and therefore the IMR in Kerala is very low.(ii) Kerala has better educational facilities. Therefore, literacy rate is high there and net attendance ratio is also high.(iii) Kerala has better provisions of PDS.
- What is the meaning of development? Explain the two aspects of development.Development refers to growth of economy along with the improvement in the quality of life of the people, like health, education, cenitation.Important aspects of development are:(i) Different people can have different developmental goals.(ii) What may be development for one may not be development for the other. It may even be destructive for the other.
- ‘‘Different people of urban areas have different developmental goals.’’Explain the statement.Different people have different goals for development as their needs, desires living style differ from each other(i) Urban unemployed youth need better options of employment.(ii) Urban women want more liberty and secure environment.(ii) Daily wages workers want more and more wages and safeworking conditions.
- "Money cannot buy all the goods and services that a person may need to live well”. Explain the statement with suitable examples.Money is an important factor on which our life depends. But the quality of our life also depends on non-material things like equal treatment, freedom, security and respect of others. Money cannot buy all these non-material things.We need pollution free environment and peace which cannot be bought with moneyThe feeling of security and freedom is also important in our life which cannot be bought with money.
- ‘Different people have different developmental goals.’’ Support the statement with examplesDifferent people have different goals for development as their needs, desires living style differ from each other.Example : Some want freedom.Some want income.Demand of security.Demand of regular work..Demand of equality or no racial discrimination.
- Why is the issue of sustainability important for development ? Explain.(Importance of sustainable development)(i) Sustainable development ensures that we use resources judiciously, so that resources can be preserved for future generations.(ii) By using renewable resources sustainable development helps us fight the harmful effects of climate change.(iii) Sustainability controls over-use of resources to ensure their long-term availability and utility.(iv) Sustainability is closely linked to social and economic development Therefor It promotes equitable distribution of resources and
- Write the limitations of per capita income(i) A rise in per capita income is due to rise in prices and not due to increase in physical output, it is not a reliable index of economic development.(ii) National income rises but its distribution makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.(iii) Per capita income hides the disparities as it does not tell us how the income is distributed among the people in the country(iv) The non-marketed goods and services are not taken into consideration while calculating the per capita.
- How do different persons have different developmental goals ? Explainwith examples.Different people have different goals for development as their needs, desires living style differ from each other. Also, the social, cultural and economical position of the people varies, which results in different developmental goals.Example :1. Urban unemployed youth want better options of employment.2. Landless rural labourers want more days of work and better wages3. Prosperous farmers from Punjab want Assured a high family income through higher support prices for their crops.4. A girl from a rich urban family wants as much freedom as her brother
- The question of sustainability of development raises many fundamentally new issues about the nature and process of development. Explain with examples.The concept of sustainable development raises many fundamentally new issues about the nature and process of development, as it requires us to consider the long-term effects of economic, social and environmental policies.(i) Conservation of environment is necessary for development.(ii) Development can be sustained in any economy by using renewable resources such as groundwater, wind energy and solar energy.(iii) We have a fixed stock of resources on earth which cannot be replenished so need to conserve it for sustainable development.(vi) Conservation of resources is not nation specific issue(v) Our future sustenance is linked with the conservation of resources.
- ‘‘Sustainability of development is a crucial aspect in present times.’’ Support the statement with examples.(i) Sustainability development is essential for the development of a countryas Because We have limited quantity of resources.(ii) We have to preserve resources for the future generation. Judicious use of resources is necessary and for it. Sustainable development focuses on the efficient use of resources(iv) We should use renewable resources like solar energy, wind energy tidal biogas etc.,Sustainable development promotes renewable energy alternatives(v) The increasing global temperature and ozone layer depletion are clear indications of the need for sustainable development. Therefore, there should be environment friendly economic development.
- 'For development, people look at a mix of goals". Support the statement with three suitablee example.It is true that for development, people look at a mix of goals, e.g. :(i) If women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household and society increases. .So here income and dignity are important goal(ii) Women need safe and secure environment at job place. So A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run a business.So here income and safe and secure environment are important goal(iii) When we get a job, we would consider many factors, apart from income, such as facilities for our family, working atmosphere and security. So here income and facilities for our family, working atmosphere and security are important goal
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