4. Print Culture and the Modern World

  1. Mention any one technique of preserving the manuscript of India.  
    These were preserved by pressing between the wooden covers or sewn together. 
  2. Name the first edition of the Indian religious text published in vernacular. 
  3. Who  published ‘Punjab Kesri’? 
    Balgangadhar Tilak
  4. In which  centuries did the printing press come to India ?
     Mid-Sixteenth century
  5. In early nineteenth century ‘Shamsul Akhbar’ was written in languages ? 
  6. Which was the oldest Japanese book printed in 868 AD ? 
    Diamond Sutra
  7. What is ‘Vellum’.
    A parchment made from the skin of animals
  8. Who  said that ‘‘Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one’’ ? 
     Martin Luther
  9. “Print culture created the conditions within which French Revolution occurred.” Give support of this statement.
    Print popularized the ideas of the enlightened thinkers.
  10. Why was reading of manuscript not easy in India? 
    Manuscripts were fragile.
  11. Who were called ‘Chapmen’? 
    Seller of ‘penny chap books
  12. Name the oldest Japanese book. 
    The Buddhist Diamond Sutra was the oldest Japanese book.
  13. Who brought the print culture to Japan?  
    The print culture was brought to Japan by the Buddhist Missionaries from China
  14. Name the Chinese traditional book, which was folded and stitched at the side. 
    Accordion Book
  15. Why was ‘Gulamgiri’ book written by Jyotiba Phule in 1871?
    It was written against injustice of the caste system.
  16. Why were the ‘Bibliotheque Bleue’ popular in France ?
    They were cheap and small books.
  17. Which book was published by Raja Ram Mohan Roy? 
    Sambad Kaumudi/ Tuhfat-ul-Muwahhidin
  18. What were ‘Penny Chapbooks’?
    Pocket – sized books
  19. Who wrote 95 theses?
    Martin Luther
  20. What do you understand from the Word ‘Edo’?
  21. Name the countries that developed earliest print technology?
    Japan, China and Korea
  22. Who wrote ‘My childhood My university’.
    Maxim Gorky
  23. When was the Vernacular press act passed?
  24. When and where were children Press set up?
    Children Press was set up in France in 1857.
  25. Who said, “Printing is the ultimate gift of god and the greatest one.”
    Martin Luther
  26. Mention the technique adopted to educate white collar workers in Europe during the 19th century. 
    It was the technique of lending libraries to educate white collar workers in Europe 
  27. Which place had the breakthrough of first printing press? 
    The breakthrough of first printing press took place in Strasbourg in Germany.
  28. Name the author of ‘Amar Jiban’.
    Rashsundari Devi
  29. Who introduced the printing press in India-
  30. Explain the meaning of the term ‘Calligraphy’.
    The art of beautiful and stylised writing is called Calligraphy.
  31. How  ad  hand printing technology introduced in  Japan?
    Buddhist missionaries from China introduced hand printing technology in Japan.
  32. Who invented printing press? 
    Johann Gutenberg developed the first known printing press in 1430s at Strasbourg, Germany. 
  33. On which material was manuscripts written in India?
    Manuscripts were written on palm leaves or on handmade paper.
  34. Who perfected the power driven Cylindrical Press?
    Richard M Hoe of New York
  35. Who developed the first known printing press?
    John Guttenberg of Germany,
  36. Which was the first book printed by first printing press?
  37. Why was the Vernacular Press Act passed in 1878? 
    It provided the government with extensive rights to censor reports and editorials in the Vernaculars press.
  38. Why was printing of textbooks sponsored by the Imperial State in China ?
    For the recruitment of huge no. of bureaucratic personnel through civil service examination in china.
  39. Why did the Roman Catholic Church impose control over publisher’s and booksellers? 
    The Roman Catholic Church troubled by effects of popular readings and questionings of faith, imposed severe controls over publishers and booksellers. 
  40. Why were women and children often discouraged from reading novels in the early decades of the twentieth century in India ?
    1. To keep away from immoral influence of novels
    2. They were seen as easily corruptible
  41. Why had Englishmen demanded a clamp down on the ‘Vernacular Press’ in the 19th century ?
    1. Vernacular press was getting assertively nationalist
    2.  British considered it as a measure of stringent control.
  42. How did the knowledge of wood block printing come to Europe? 
    Marco Polo returned to Italy from China in the year 1295 and brought the technology of woodblock printing.
  43. What was wood-block printing.
    The wood block printing was developed in China. In this technology the books were printed by rubbing the paper against the surface of the woodblocks.
  44. Explain any three features of handwritten manuscripts before the age of print in India.
    Manuscripts were copied on palm leaves or on handmade paper.
    Manuscripts were highly expensive, fragile and needed careful handling.
    They could not be read easily as the script was written in different styles. 
  45. Why were manuscripts not widely used in India before the age of print ?
    (i) They were fragile and expensive.
    (ii) Awkward to handle.
    (iii) Required too much care.
    (iv) Could not be read easily as written in different styles.
  46. ‘Issues of caste discrimination began to be written about in many printed   tracts and essays in India in the late nineteenth century.’’ Support the statement with two suitable examples.
    1. Jyotiba Phule, the Maratha pioneer of ‘low caste’ protest movements, wrote about the injustices of the caste system in his Gulamgiri.
    2. B.R. Ambedkar in Maharashtra wrote against caste system.
  47. What was Protestant reformation?
    It was  a movement for the reformation of the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century. 
    Martin Luther was one of the main Protestant reformers. Several traditions of anti-Catholic Christianity developed out of the movement
  48. Examine the role of missionaries in the growth of press in India. 
    The printing press first came to Goa with Portuguese missionaries
    Catholic priests printed the first Tamil book in 1579 at Cochin, and in 1713 the first Malayalam book was printed by them. 
    Dutch Protestant missionaries had printed 32 Tamil texts.
  49. Explain any three factors responsible for the invention of new printing techniques. 
    Or Why couldn’t the production of hand written manuscripts satisfy the ever increasing demand for books? Give any three reasons.
    Or What were the limitations of the written manuscripts in India? Explain. 
    The handwritten manuscripts production was not sufficient to meet the demand.
    These manuscripts were highly expensive, fragile.
    These manuscripts needed careful handling.
    It was expensive and time consuming to copy the handwritten manuscripts.
  50. Fill in the blank.
    Buddhist missionaries from China introduced hand-printing technology into ______ around A.D. 768-770. 
    By 1448, Gutenberg perfected the system of printing. The first book he printed was the _______.
    The printing press first came to Goa with _______ missionaries. 
    Catholic priests printed the first _______ book in 1579 at Cochin. 
    Which country printed the Buddhist Diamond Sutra in 868 A.D. ?

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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